Hayate CF-1 Classic Kata
I've been wearing a Shureido NW3, Daedo Bunkai Pro and a Hirota Takumi for most of my trainings. And I felt like I needed cheaper Gi that would still make the cut for normal everyday training or when I'm teaching. This was my first Hayate Gi. My first impression was that it's really comfortable. I dare say better than the Gis i've worn so far. They felt like PJs for real LOL. Ofcourse, this is a Full Cotton Build, and for the price, I wasn't expecting much. I'd say that it's roughly similar in performance with the Daedo Shiai or Hirota MH11. But this one, i'd give it an extra thumbs up for being on the more comfortable side. Makes me interested in trying out their NF2 one day.